La traduction du terme juridique (نظام) (Niẓām) dans les logiciels de la traduction automatique neuronale : Une comparaison entre la traduction des logiciels (Memsource) et (Matecat) de (La Loi de la lutte contre le terrorisme et son financement)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of French Language And Translation, College of Languages and Translation, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The aim of this study is to point out the discrepancy in the translation of the two CAT softwares "Memsource" and "Matecat", compared to the human translations, particularly regarding the translation of the Arabic word "نظام" as contained in the Saudi Law of Combating Terrorist Crimes and its Financing. The study also looks into the impact of the domestic cultural context on the efficiency of the neural machine translation exemplified by the above mentioned softwares as well as the potential for their improvement.The researcher classified the word "نظام" into six subunits according to the expression's grammatical classification, reviewing the differences between the two softwares on the one hand and the certified human translation on the other. He deduced that there is great discrepancy between the computer-assisted translations in finding a correct translation of the word "نظام". Meanwhile, "Matecat" was 31.25% correct compared to only 3.13% for "Memsource".The researcher concluded that there is a defect in the domestic cultural context regarding the machine translation of the word, stressing the need for more accuracy.
