Guide for Authors

  • The research should be new in the field of specialization and has not been studied before
  • Commitment to the scientific method used in writing research
  • Caring for deepening and documenting the scientific material
  • Diversity and multiplicity of references and sources of authentic and modern, taking care of the arrangement of publication data as follows: Book name, page, author name, publishing house, place of publication, time of publication
  • The research should not have been published elsewhere, and not from other letters and writings
  • A full summary of not more than two-thirds of a newspaper should be attached
  • The research shall be submitted in two copies by computer, with a CD copy before arbitration, and a copy with CD after an amendment from the arbitrators, if any.

 Page and Font Settings:

Page Sizes: 14 cm width --- 22 cm length

The page margin is 2 cm from each side

Line spacing: 1.15 cm


Oriental Languages:

 Simplified Arabic

font size 14: cm

Footnote: 12 cm

Western languages: Simplified Arabic

font size 12 :cm

Footnote: 10 cm