المثاقفة وإشکالات الترجمة العنوان الروائي نموذجا، دراسة سيميائية تقابلية

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Turkish Language, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.


This research edited to address the dilemma of translating the title from Turkish into Arabic; It can be used in many similar places in other languages. This is due to the confusion that oftenly occurs when it comes to the matter of understanding the word in different contexts, whether it is temporal or spatial context. So, the translator must carfully take those aspects into his consideration during the translation process. From this point of view, the study is standard each part mentioned herein has taken benefits from other previous various studies, so it is by no means the first to talk about the title, acculturation or translation issues, but only sheds more lights on them.