وسائل الربط النحوي والمعجمي في قصة "خمره" للكاتب "الإيراني المعاصر "هوشنـگ مرادى كرمانى دراسة في ضوء علم اللغة النصي

Document Type : Original Article


Oriental Languages Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.


This study deals with one of the most important topics of “Text Linguistics” , which is “Textual Coherence”, through the application to the story (Khamra) of the contemporary Iranian writer (Hoshang Moradi Kermani). To study the means of textual interconnection in the story, on the (Grammatical and Lexical levels), by studying the means of grammatical connections that link the elements of the text together, such as all kinds of reference, and linking tools, as well as by studying the means of lexical linkage, such as repetition and cohesion.
