الأثر الإسلامي في التشريعات السريانية

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Hebrew Language, Faculty of Arts, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt.


The research deals with the study of Syriac legislation by translating the texts of the Syriac legislation to know the laws applied by the Syriac to regulate their lives especially those related to the provisions of inheritance, the division of the estate of the deceased among its beneficiaries and the provisions of marriage and what it includes of marriage procedures, and the conditions for the validity of the marriage contract and knowing the extent of the influence of Islamic law on the Syriac laws, especially in the centuries in which the Syriacs lived under the confines of the Islamic state. The descriptive analytical approach was used in the research as the descriptive approach was used to describe the Syriac legislative texts through the translation of models of Syriac legislation in different centuries, and the analytical approach, which relies on the analysis and study of legislation, to show the extent to which the Syriacs were affected by Islamic law when enacting their laws.
