أدب ما قبل الصهيونية

Document Type : Original Article


قسم اللغات السامية والشرقية، جامعة اليرموك، إربد، الممكلة الأردنية الهاشمية.


Abstract: Revolution, according to the expression of many Jewish philosophers, which swept the Jewish people from western to eastern Europe. Which, with its collapse, caused a gap between the Arab East and its West, which, according to the opinion of the Europeans, can only be filled by a people and a nation other than the peoples of Europe. Backed by all the forces of these empires, to prevent the unity of the Muslim Arab nation once again, the choice fell on the Jews who saw in this proposition an opportunity for them. As for this study, it reveals very briefly the reality of what happened to the Jewish people, who changed the literature of their religion, with literature that completely changed the Jewish consciousness Until they gained the attention of the Europeans, and their unlimited support, and before they were rejected by the Europeans, through three stages: a- Haskalah b- revival c- Zionism that we are about.
