Estudio contrastivo español-árabe: Empleo de las colocaciones en el discurso político

Document Type : Original Article


Departamento de Español, Facultad de Al-Alsun, Universidad de Kafrelsheikh, Kafrelsheikh, Egipto.


            Indeed, collocations are combinations of words that occur more frequently than expected in a language and have a significant influence on what sounds natural to a group of speakers, thus achieving precise and economical communication. They are intuitively constructed by native speakers of a language and are characterized by the presence of combinatorial restrictions imposed by language use and the existence of certain formal flexibility that allows for syntactic and morphological transformations. Therefore, they lie between free expressions and idiomatic ones. On the other hand, the discourse of a political speaker, being a form of communication that has a high degree of impact on society, must adhere to strict regulations in order to maintain its necessary social influence. In this regard, the aim of this study is to conduct a contrastive analysis between Spanish and Arabic regarding the syntactic and semantic peculiarities of collocations and their use in political discourse in the two languages under study.
