Fenómenos en común entre Valle Inclán y Julio Cortázar. Estudio estilístico contrastivo

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Spanish Langauge, Faculty of Alsun, Minia University, Minia, Egypt.


Abstract :
Julio Cortázar Neofantastic literature captures a great relevant phenomenon in his narration. This writer has a great talent for using special resources in his work but its flouriching is due to some influences from the literary tradition. That influenc between literary movments has always been something very importante throughout history. That is why we tried to investigate where his narrative musicality came from. We can also highlight another phenomenon that is textual complexity. To carrey out this work is classified in from phenomena, especially in phonological, morphological, syntactic and textual equivalences, and we turn to another element: textual complexity. This element is carried out through multilingualism and grammatical breaks. With all this Cortázar captures another new phenomenon of fantastic literature.
